Monday, January 28, 2008

No ringing endorsement for Beall

So the Mercury News has ranked area legislators on a scale of 1 to Effective.

Coming in at number one, Santa Cruz and Morgan Hill's Mr. John Laird, considered among the "brightest" legislators with a "stellar reputation." Not only is that an accurate assessment, but since he's also the budget chair, it's a smart-as-hell thing to say in a bad budget year.

The top Senator, and third overall, is S. Joseph Simitian, know to all for his killer smarts and his inability to hide them from others. I'm all for it because I think playing dumb to make the dumb feel less dumb is . . . dumb. You go, Braniac McGee. I hated your cell phone bill, but I love your style.

Who's last? Poor Jim Beall of Santa Clara. He feels fine about things, though. He's only been on the job for 13 months, after all. He's "just getting started."

My term-limits-hating-self agrees with him: he is just getting started.

My sure-93-won't-pass-self says: Dude, 13 months? C'mon, you're almost done! Poor guy, I know the learning curve is steep, but you have to save those sorts of comments for a post-93 world. If that world ever arrives, that is.

I do love, though, that one of the metrics used for ranking the lawmakers is office size, which totally matters.

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