Thursday, January 31, 2008

If 93 Passes....

If Prop 93 passes, lots of 'candidates' who already spent money on 'campaigns' are gonna be piiiiissed.

Way before any one in the actual population is even paying attention, there are some hot races and tricky manuveuring going on in the Bay Area.

The Don (Perata) will be termed out if 93 doesn't pass, and Wilma Chan, Loni Hancock and Johan Klehs are already running campaigns to replace him. Of course if it does pass, no one's gonna go against The Don.

Hancock, herself (along with Gene Mullin), will be termed out and there are 4 Democrats trying to replace her.

The Democratic race for Mullin's 19th Assembly District seat could be a barnburner, with [Jerry] Hill facing off against Millbrae Mayor Gina Papan, whose father held the Assembly seat before Mullin, and Richard Holober, a San Mateo County Community College Board member who has put more than $200,000 into his campaign.

And all that just goes away, poof, if 93 (extending term limits) passes.

I would have said that it has less than no chance of passing, but apparently it could be a toss-up. 46% against, 50% for.

Still probably won't pass, but you can bet the legislators are paying WAY more attention to this than to the silly little presidential race.

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