Sunday, January 20, 2008

Hayward Fault MORE Dangerous

Just in case you forgot, the Bay Area is an earthquake haven. The Hayward Fault is cited again and again as the next likely candidate for a major disaster. I mean, we do sit ontop of the joining of two tetonic plates. I don't think that's good.

But, apparently, it's more dangerous than we knew.

The new research suggests that current earthquake forecasts for the area may underestimate the danger on three faults — the Hayward fault; its northern neighbor, the Rodgers Creek fault, which runs from San Pablo Bay north past Santa Rosa; and the northern portion of the Calaveras fault from Sunol to the Danville area.

And, and, the south part of the Calaveras fault may be connected deep underground to the Hayward fault. Since the longer the fault, the worse the quake, if they are joined together that could only be bad news.

I can't be the only one who's felt like it's starting to be time to move inland...

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