Thursday, January 17, 2008

Cancel Tuesday Night Poker

After a three month investigation, the police (with drawn guns) raided a poker game in the San Mateo hills.

Some people were understandably a little upset, saying buy-ins were only $25-$55 and it was a friendly game. The police also charged the organizer with delinquency of a minor, her son.

Police and neighbors, however, say the operation was getting out of hand and needed to be shut down.

Cardenas allegedly collected $5 from every participant for "refreshments," and he took extra money from buy-ins for a "freeroll" tournament that police believe paid out less than Cardenas took in.

Residents have also noticed a jump in burglaries since the games began, Weist added.

Seeing adults gambling against a minor was the clincher, he said.

"If the adults are not going to look out for the welfare of this kid, we have to act."

What about Britney's kids? Who's looking out for them?

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