Wednesday, March 12, 2008

His better half's worst task

Unlike similar scandals in the past, it seems there's far more flack over soon-to-be-ex-Governor Spitzer's wife standing with him as he aired some pretty dirty laundry for the national media. The flack isn't directed at Mrs. Spitzer - exactly - but it does take to task the Governor for having her stand there with him.

Well, this kinda directs flack at her. I don't get this column, frankly - it's the Chron's conservative columnist and she seems to be anti-marriage in this case. Reasonably so, but that doesn't mean I'll let it go when it comes from her pen (or keyboard, as the case may be).

But more broadly, all the outlets and even The Daily Show have made Spitzer out to be an even BIGGER cad (tough assignment) for dragging his wife out to show, uh, support?

My guess is that on the inside of any marriage in this situation, things are far, far more complicated than "Leave him, stupid!" implies.

I feel bad for her.

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