Monday, March 24, 2008

Announce and diffuse!

What is up in Albany? That's Albany, New York, not Albany, California. The old governor, in case you've missed all local, national, and late night news, got caught whoring and the new governor so far has admitted to extramarital affairs (the free kind) and now extracurricular drug use.

Dude, that state is on fire!

Seriously though, perhaps it's good: this new governor is helping us all get over stupid non-scandal fodder that keeps us from having to think too hard about anything that might matter. Drug use? It was the 70s. Extramarital affair, that's bad, but, he's still married, his wife cheated too, they worked it out, they are still together, and they didn't have to do it at a press conference. Not bad.

Diffuse it. Good slogan.

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