Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Higher Gas Prices = Higher Taxes

In a shocking* turn of events, higher gas prices have meant higher gas tax revenue.

See, this'll solve our budget problem.

"I think we've finally come closer, if not reached, a tipping point where gasoline prices are affecting people's behavior," said Bill Leonard, a member of the Board of Equalization. One evidence is the slight decrease in gasoline consumption for the past couple of years, he said.

Judy Dugan, research director at Consumer Watchdog in Los Angeles, argued it might be time to reconsider the sales tax on gasoline altogether because of increasing pump prices.

"The state is certainly stressed and they need money, but to do it on the backs of motorists who are screaming for relief is not the way to go about it," she said.

Right, because god forbid people actually maybe change their behavior.

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