Monday, April 14, 2008

Turns out, Democracy has a price. And it's a little high, thanks.

Crappy turnout in San Mateo County is making people think harder about vote-by-mail as the default, rather than the opt-in.

Assemblyman Gene Mullin wanted to pass a law authorizing an all-mail-in process for the Speier special election, but couldn't get the higher level of votes to pass the urgency measure, partly for lacking the necessary support from Reep leaders. In a novel role-change, Reeps were concerned that mail-in balloting could disadvantage elderly or minority voters. Aren't older voters more frequent voters and more frequent voters-by-mail? Eh, alright.

Oregon does it by mail. I bet we could to. This last special cost $26.70 per voter. Per voter! That much. It's crazy.

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