White House blocked EPA studies, GAO reports:
A congressional watchdog agency has found that White House officials repeatedly intervened in the government's scientific process for assessing the health risks of toxic chemicals, prompting Sen. Barbara Boxer to threaten giving Congress control of the program.
The Government Accountability Office reported Tuesday that the White House's budget office, the Pentagon and other agencies had delayed or blocked efforts by the Environmental Protection Agency to list chemicals as carcinogens by requesting more research or more time to review the risks.
I don't think I'll ever understand how Clinton was impeached for having an affair with an intern while Bush has invaded a country, disrupted the economy, and demonstrated an undying love of interfering with the advancement of our country and humanity in general by blocking science at every turn.
What gives?
And the cutest part:
GAO officials also faulted the administration for setting new rules that keep secret any involvement by the White House or a federal agency in a decision about the risks of a chemical.
Oh come on! Are you kidding? How do we reserve our outrage for people's failure to wear flag pins while we allow our government to act like characters out of the latest Grisham novel?