Monday, December 3, 2007

San Francisco Wants to Ban Burning on Bad Air Days

A proposal being examined in the Bay Area Quality Management District will be open for public comment in the coming months.

On moderately dirty nights, burning in fireplaces and old stoves, but not in EPA certified stoves.

On the 20-30 severly dirty nights, all wood burning would be banned.

Wood smoke in winter accounts for as much as a third of the region's fine particle air pollution, the district estimates. The soot can irritate healthy people and harm children, the elderly and those with lung and heart problems.

There's a reason people stopped burning wood a long time ago. Of course they decided to burn coal instead, so...

"I don't want some fireplace Nazis telling me I can't burn," Bruce Griffing said.

Tom Foley, who has asthma, yearns for a ban to spare him from a neighbor's fireplace smoke that leaves him coughing and choking.

fireplace Nazi?

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