Monday, November 26, 2007

Northern California Gets It's Fair Share

A 23 county Northern California trade coalition from Kern County to Sacramento to the Bay Area has been formed to demand their fair share of the $2.1 billion from Proposition 1B.

Los Angeles originally demanded 85% of the funds. Because, you know, if you have 1/3 of the population that totally makes sense.

Leaders in Southern California get their way on most issues, partly because of their dominant numbers in the Legislature and partly because the rest of the state hasn't been as unified or cohesive.

Bay Area officials would go one way. Those in the Sacramento area go another. San Joaquin Valley representative would head in a third direction.

That has resulted in more dollars and influence for Southern California.

It's like in 3rd grade when the boys would only nominate one person for president and the girls would nominate 3 or 4. Haven't we learned since then? The important thing isn't who wins, it's that LA loses.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Oil Spill

The four Pacifica beaches will be re-opened. No oil was found and the oiled birds (above) were released.

But, a Congressional panel is looking for answers.

"I wasn't satisfied with the answers or the path that we were on," Pelosi said after the three-hour hearing in the Presidio held by the House Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation.

So far I haven't been happy with any answers either. You ran into the bridge? I mean, it's kind of big.

Another Brick in the Wall

Not exactly local, but still...

West Contra Costa schools have some of the worst facilities in the country.

"There are too many dark areas where lights do not work, too many urinals that can not be flushed, too many vents that are dirty, too many walls that have been chipped, peeling or dingy paint, and a reported problem with rodents in the kitchen contaminating food," the report says.

"What's really around the school is years of caked-on griminess," said Gilbert Rodriguez, who oversees the after-school program. "On a cleaning level, nothing seems to be done. The bathrooms are horrendous."

I remember school being hard enough, without having to deal with mice or non-flushing toilets.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Don't Steal that Sign

KGO traffic reporter, Joe McConnell, was fined for stealing a Burlingame City Council candidate's election yard sign.

Apparently, being caught on videotape cost him $375.75. Not $375.00.

I guess he didn't want to always be a traffice reporter

Up in the City

they keep on getting stranger. Tap dancing across the Golden Gate this week.